13 December 2008

Christmas in America - The Christmas vs. Holiday Contraversy

Every Christmas (or Holiday) Season, this contraversy rears its ugly head in the United States. Some Americans get very offended when they are wished "Merry Christmas." The other half gets just as offended if they are wished the politically correct "Happy Holidays." What is this all about? To find out, go to the MSNBC article, print and read Retailers tiptoe between Christmas, holidays.
To help you with understanding the article, here's some vocabulary you'll need!
to stoke someone's anger - alimenter la colère
to troll - (idiomatic) patrouiller
to trumpet - trompeter, claironner
discarded - jeté
retailer - détaillant, commerçant
wad - tas, liasse
crumpled - froissé
yuletide - période de Noël
to take a stand - prendre position
mall - galerie marchande, centre commercial (comme Les Halles)
greetings - salutations
to cringe - avoir un mouvement de recul
to vow - jurer
shopping binge - faire une razzia
amid - au milieu de
Grinchiest - a reference to the Dr. Seuss children's story How the Grinch Stole Christmas
prickly - (colloquial) irritable
to bump up - gonfler
sales pitch - baratin, boniment publicitaire
driven - poussé, actionné
to strive - s'efforcer
to appeal - plaire, attirer
cross-section - groupe représentatif
commercial - pub
focus group - groupe de consommateurs
steer - piloter, diriger
to urge - conseiller vivement, préconiser
billing - présentation, affichage
to grade - noter, classer
rated - classé
to lean - appuyer
political tiptoe - this describe the delicate balance that stores have to maintain between their customers
daring - osant
to patronize - fréquenter
challenge - défi

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