Forbes magazine has recently released their annual list of the top cities in the United States for singles. Atlanta, affectionately called "Hotlanta," made the number one position for the first time. They ranked major urban areas on several criteria: nightlife, number of singles, job growth and friendliness!
*****For the link to the complete article, click HERE! But first, here's some vocabulary that might help you with reading the article.
top slot - la première position
hopping nightlife - vie nocturne trépidante
sizzling job growth - un boom sur l'emploi, une extraordinaire croissance de l'emploi; literally 'to sizzle' means grésiller
ranking - un classement
online dating - des recontres en ligne
to score - marquer
fly-over cities - there isn't a French translation for this expression because it is typically an Americanism. When we talk about 'fly-over country,' we are talking about all the states in the interior between the two coasts since most air traffic in fact flies over the interior between the East and West coasts. So the 'fly-over' cities are all the urban areas in the interior of the nation, e.g. Milwaukee, Kansas City, Salt Lake City, etc. Often, when the term is used, it is derogatory.
would-be lovers - ceux qui désirent être amoureux
to score dead last - arriver complètement en dernier
to keep out - exclure
a precipitous drop - une baisse précipitée
a third-place finish - classement en troisième position
sun-drenched - baigné de soleil
SoCal - Southern California
lackadaisical - languissant
to fare better - s'en tirer mieux
to tie (present participle - tying) - être ex aequo
penalized - défavorisé
a lack of - le manque de
dismal - lamentable
square image - une image ringarde
career-minded - intéressé par une carrière
a divorcee - un/e divorcé/e
a widow - une veuve
a widower - un veuf
criteria - les critères; this is the plural form. Ex. "The criteria for application are...." The singular form is criterion.
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