Resources For Learning English (needs updating)

21 April 2014

Learn English from the News: Ukraine, Russia, United in Faith, Divided in Politics (Answers and Key Vocabulary)

Here are the answers to the comprehension questions from yesterday’s video:

1. B  False (“From the outset, clergy played a part in the demonstrations…..”)

2. B  to indicate

3. B  False (“…. Russian clergy are keeping silent about recent events.”)

4. B  to express an opinion

5. B  a truce (“They have not even called for a truce during Easter,” said Alexander Soldatov…”)

6. A  True (“The Russian Orthodox Church, which has close ties to the Russian government, would not comment…”)

7. A the Ukranian affiliate of the church would separate. (“If they come out in support of President Putin, their Ukrainian chapter could break off.”)

8. A  40% (“About 40 percent of Orthodox believers in Ukraine are Russian.”)

9. B  False (“Zubov and Soldatov say Russian Patriarch Kirill is at odds with President Putin over the conflict.”)

10. B  The patriarch not attending Putin’s speech (“As evidence, they cite Kirill's absence from Putin's March 18 Crimea address in the Kremlin.)
11. B. No (“But Ukranian Orthodox priest Yakov Krotov dismisses that idea.”)

12. A. Kirill is avoiding giving an opinion in order to not look bad, whatever the outcome in the future. (“Krotov thinks Patriarch Kirill is hedging his bets politically and called his silence "meaningless.")

13. B False (“And this year it coincides with Easter in the West.” = this year is an exception)

KEY VOCABULARY (definitions and sample sentences taken from
the outset = the start of something
“You are going to love this book from the outset.”
have/play a part in something = to be involved in a particular situation or activity and influence its development
The media, as always, played an important part in the election campaign.”
to point out = to tell someone something
He pointed out that we had two hours of free time before dinner.”
a stance = an attitude or view about an issue that you state clearly
Tell us what your stance is on capital punishment.”
a truce = an agreement between two people or groups involved in a war, fight, ordisagreement to stop it for a period of time
They should call a truce while negotiations are given a chance.”
to break off = to end a relationship or a discussion
The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations.”
at odds with = disagreeing with someone
She continued to find herself at odds with the chairman.”
to dismiss something = to refuse to accept that something might be true or important
We should not dismiss these ideas just because they are unfamiliar.”
behind somone or something = used for saying that someone supports a person, action, or idea
Not everyone in the Cabinet was behind Thatcher's policies.”
to hedge your bets = to organize a situation so that you have several choices available to you, in order to increase your chances of success

People are evidently hedging their bets, looking to the future but not yet prepared to give up the past.”
meaningless = without any clear purpose or importance
My life seems meaningless since Jim died.”

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