26 December 2008

Culture Spot 19: Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a bank holiday and falls on the 26th of December in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth nations. Historically, it is St. Stephan's Day.
Boxing Day's origins are often misunderstood. The day is based on the day when poor tradesmen would collect their Christmas gifts in exchange for the services they provided during the year. It was the day that when gifts were given to the less fortunate in society, however today's Boxing Day is nothing more a "shopping holiday" when stores begin their after-Christmas sales.
Exactly when and how Boxing Day began is not really known but it's believed to date back to the medieval period. Perhaps it began with the nobility who gave Christmas presents to their servants on the 26th or it began when the priest would open the alms box the day after Christmas to distribute the contents to the poor and needy.
Besides being a "shopping holiday," Boxing Day in England is an extension of Christmas; a day to visit other family members, play games together and eat all the Christmas left overs!
Visit Wikipedia's article on Boxing Day.
tradesman - ouvrier qualifié
alms - aumône

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